I've come to learn that what we do not submit to God, the devil uses as an access point to establish legal ground in your life.
The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8 "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."
A prowling lion is strategic in its steps, not making any sudden movements while simultaneously inching closer and closer to its prey. When the devil has found his prey, he doesn't make his presence obvious. He plants seeds of deceit, leading you to do and say things that grieve God's heart. If one is not vigilant and fails to realize they are straying from God, they become susceptible to the consequences of their sins.
But this is the encouragement: Before you are taken captive by the enemy, the Lord sends warnings, often in the form of conviction. The Holy Spirit can be likened to a preventative care physician, guiding and helping you to stand firm and emerge victorious. Therefore, if you lean into that conviction and submit to God, the enemy will stand defeated. Stay Alert!!!
Don't forget to :
Remember your life is "APPOINTED" have a blessed day!