How many of us women have ever proclaimed that we will never bow down to a man because we can live life and “be bad all by ourselves”? Our world tells us that we can be a boss chick and acquire our dreams and aspirations without a man or his help. However, if God has willed you for marriage, how does that change this view?
The Bible says that wives must submit to their husbands as you would also submit to the Lord (Ephesians 5:22). This is the natural hierarchy and order of things, not because women are less than or incapable of doing anything without men, but because God cares for us and has set this natural order as a way of protection.
Let me give you a personal life example. I went to the car dealership without my husband for a simple oil change. The service representative tried to sell me on a $400 repair that they “found”. I called my husband and asked him if this was necessary and having more knowledge of cars, he said this is not something I should have to repair for another 1000s of miles and they were trying to rip me off. I declined the repair and when I went to pick up my keys, I overheard my service representative speaking with a technician. The technician said that the only issue with another woman’s car was a hole in her tire that could easily be patched. However, he and the representative were discussing another “repair” and by the end of the conversation, the technician said “I’ll let her know and I’ll sell her on that too”. It was confirmation right before my very eyes that they were trying to make a profit off unknowing individuals. How often does God place our husbands—our spiritual coverings—in places that He has already given them wisdom to handle and stand against the enemy so that we don’t even have to fight or worry about something? How often have we interrupted this natural order? When we do this, we have now taken on a burden that was never meant for us and also made it much more difficult for everyone to handle.
Our submission is not only to our husbands, but also to God. Unfortunately, in today’s society, this is an unpopular lifestyle. Most people would scoff at the idea of being submissive and hate to even associate with this word. However, this obedience shows that you are set apart which in turn makes you the salt of the earth, bringing flavor to the blandness of assimilation (Psalm 4:3, Matthew 5:13).
Call to Action:
Read through Colossians 3 and 1 Peter 3 and take notes on how you can apply these principles to your life.
Whether you are single and hoping to marry or are already married, reflect on how you have been obedient or disobedient to this Word. What can you change and/or maintain?
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Bible