In this season will you allow yourself to step out of the usual and comfortable? Will you move past fear and allow faith to take the lead? When God elevates you or when He puts you in a new environment, you can stand assured that He has given you all the tools you need to succeed.
Fear that prevents you to live fully in God's perfect plan is a liar. Elevating things that are not real while eliminating your will to move forward. I want to encourage you to trust God. Trusting God requires you to put full confidence in him.
As believers one of the characteristics we can adopt from Jesus' life is his unwavering trust in the Father. Even knowing the reality of his death he remained faithful to the call. And that call was to offer his life as a ransom so that you would not have to pay the penalty of your sin. That call was him taking your place on the cross, bearing your sins so that as his blood dripped it covered you and you were made holy.
Jesus had every reason to give in to fear but in the garden of Gethsemane he submitted his will to the Father and moved forward with what was necessary. When you place your trust in God it forces you be stretched past the element of fear. When you move past fear you are left with no other option but to have Faith. Faith, knowing that God is able and where he is leading you he will not forsake you.
I love how the psalmist says "I prayed the Lord and he answered me and freed me from all my fears", Palm 34:4. This let's us know that Fear is a form of bondage that strips you of freedom. The verse also let's us know that fear is a bondage that can be broken. When you pray for God to deliver you from fear, you letting fear know that it has been evicted. You are also submitting your will to Father and allowing him to have control. So my question for you today is "will you move forward or will you continue to allow fear to paralyze you?" Be encouraged.