You are worth it. As believers there are things that will challenge your perspective of yourself and how you believe God sees you. Think about the fall of mankind, it was parially due to not seeing value in oneself. The value of being created in the Imago Dei (image of God). The enemy decieved Eve into believing that she was less than or incomplete. When in reality she was fearfully and wonderfully made complete.
Now, in addressing the topic of worth and value I dont want it confused wiith feeling entitled or deserving of something. We understand that it is God’s mercy and grace that withholds punishment that we deserve and grants us favor that we do not deserve. See when you think about worth, or your selfworth it is important to remember that God saw that you were worth redeeming. Jesus willingly laid down his life because you were worth dying for, you were worth saving. This is why in Ephesians 4:1, Apostle Paul encourages the believers to live a life worthy of the calling you received. Paul understood that there was a priceless gift given for your salvation and the right to sonship in the kingdom of God. That alone shouldconvince you of your worth.
Daily, what the enemy comes to do is tear down your self-worth and your esteem through comparison; Causing you to question your identity and forget that you are precious in the sight of God. The world is at a point where worth is defined by the number of social media followers and the amount of likes that you get on a picture or video. But that should not define your worth. The mere fact you were created in the image and likeness of God is enough to elevate your thinking about your self-worth.
When esteem is low or your self-worth is nonexistence it makes it difficult for you to receive and embrace the gift of God and the promises of God for your life. Jesus says in Luke 12: 7 "Indeed, the hairs of your head are all counted. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." It's evident, Jesus saw that you were worth dying for even before you knew him, even before you said yes to him, so in knowing this, your perspective should shift from worthlessness to embracing the fact that you are worth it.